People come first

Nonconformity is the privilege of those who cannot do otherwise.
Francesco del Moro
(aka Kekketto),
from Mugnano di Napoli.
A taste of the suburbs sprinkled with Francesco. With his cunning eyes and his big smile. Read how he blends art and cuisine beyond his Down syndrome.
Cut a guitar into thin slices and cook it at low temperature in a swimming pool full of water. Add some stubbornness, eclecticism and perseverance. Season it all by singing. Serve it up by dancing. Francesco del Moro is unique, so much so that no dish could put a boundary round him.
Standing behind the cooker during a lesson at his ,Premio Nobel Montalcini, School of Hotel Management, Kekketto (Francesco’s nickname) has a beaming smile stretching from ear to ear as he reaches out to tighten the strings on his clean apron. He is already thinking about his next recipe, his next song, his next challenge. Francesco was born in Mugnano di Napoli in 2005, to mother Valentina and father Gianluca. He is very special. He is a really lively and intelligent young man, possessing unparalleled curiosity, always committed to and involved in social issues. He has been passionate about music since an early age. With his somewhat egocentric and unabashed flair, he has been in several public performances. Performing with his group of special dancers in front of numerous audiences at important Neapolitan venues, such as Pala Partenope, Villa Domi, and Maschio Angioino. He has provided audiences with unforgettable experiences and offered signs of hope, making his extra chromosome the last thing on anyone’s mind. Lost in his world of music, at the age of 11, as he stood holding a guitar in one hand, Francesco picked up a frying pan with the other. And so began his beautiful journey into the world of catering. A path probably etched out by the mouthwatering wafts of traditional Neapolitan cuisine that are known to permeate local homes on a Sunday.
So, with his meticulously clean hands – which he scrubs scrupulously in his quest to dutifully stick to rules, especially kitchen hygiene procedures – Kekketto has fun, Kekketo creates, nourished by his racing but artistic mind. Always dancing, playing his guitar, swimming and cooking. As the local say, ’Sta, semp miez, which can be loosely translated as “He’s always messing about” because he’s always felt at home in the outskirts. Thanks to the social and cultural initiatives organised in his local neighbourhood in the northern suburbs of Naples. He has taken part in various projects such as the painting of murals on the Chiaiano and Scampia metro walls promoted by the local Let’s Think – Living an Idea and Augurabile social associations, of which Francesco is the mascot. In a continuous exchange of doing and having, he has sought to leave his own creative mark on this area. While always washing his hands. When that invisible enemy – COVID-19 – forced its way into everyone,s lives, social activities were sorely missed. With only one window open to the world, a digital one, Francesco decided to step up his game. He took part in various online food and wine contests, organised by Angelo Iannelli, the Sorriso (Smile) Ambassador. And once again, he who dares wins. Kekketto came first, winning several prizes awarded by a mixed jury of local and master pastry chefs. His signature dish is a fusion of flavours, a contaminated suburb. Described as the sea reaching out its hand to the land: scialatielli vongole e taralli (scialatielli pasta with clams and taralli), offers a delicate crazy taste to surprise even the most refined palates.
This story is a true testament to that enriched genetic chromosome which has given Kekketo an extra gear. Despite potential prejudices and likely difficulties, as well as rude or pitiful glances, Francesco stands out as the face of awareness and normality, as the face of those who follow Gio Evan’s “if you believe something then it will come true” advice, as the face of those who do everything to make their dreams come true.
“You have to challenge Providence to be slapped by abundance.”
The deep bond with the land spans generations, fears no sacrifices and know no boundaries.
Rebirth is linked to failure and in defeat it recognizes the opportunity to change.
Heart, discipline and consistenc, the strength of simplicity that disarms prejudice.
Getting lost in the world I find home, where beauty has made me fragile and my soul bold.
Hidden behind those who put their faces on it, I manipulate my truths.