People come first

Getting lost in the world I find home, where beauty has made me fragile and my soul bold.

Alessia, from San Nicola la Strada .

A colourful soul: A for art, A for Alessia.

The human eye can distinguish over a million colours. More or less. Every human is different. Alessia can definitely see a wide array of shades. At the age of six, clutching her pencil eagerly she was ready to draw the world. Like a little wand, which she twisted a billion times through those wonderful dark curls of hers, her pencil has remained her greatest ally. She already seemed destined for this creative path.
Art flows through her veins and her skin is made of soft fabric. She has found safe haven in the fashion world on her inescapable journey. In an industry where it seems easier to fit in if you are pretty and dumb, she has managed to establish herself as both caring and intelligent, offloading of stereotypes. Her dream, her goal, after numerous schools academies and competitions was to become a fashion stylist. Being a “Meravigliosa Creature” (‘Marvellous Creature’), to quote Nannini’s* song title, is just an added plus in her case.
Alessia is a girl from the south who has travelled widely but has brought home to her Caserta some of the colours she has seen scattered around the world.  From wrinkled faces of a passers-by to hidden graffiti on the walls of big cities, she has always managed to bring back fragments of soul. During her treasure hunts, in this quest for beauty, she almost got sucked under by her own vortex of insecurities and eating disorders. Luckily, like burnt rosebay willowherbs after a fire, she came up stronger than before, her bold soul and inner compass strongly pointing her towards her dreams.






Much to her surprise, she discovered that her magnetic needle was facing due south, straight to San Nicola La Strada, her hometown. That same location where she had once felt suffocated, is where she chose to set up shop, this is where she is now has her creative portfolio and is surrounded by her own immense universe. A place she is now able to lose herself in without losing her bearings. In the labyrinth of life, her thread of Ariadne will always lead back to the familiarity of that playground with the merry-go-rounds among her grandmother’s roses. Roots and freedom intertwine providing a place where one can always return.

While wandering about the world she started collecting a never-ending kaleidoscope of images. Images that she would rework in her thoughts, chaotic patterns she the reprocesses into original collages. Works of art from scraps of life full of everyday stories. Real-life moments that everyone has experienced but so often go unnoticed. Collage Art starts with your own identity. This is this the foundation for the blend, this is what Alessia adds everyone else’s essence to. By analysing an event, whether festive or one of mourning, by examining a person in detail, she externalises a feeling through her own mix of images. The resulting collage speaks louder than words.



This is not a pipe dream. She is a ‘collector of serious things’, of tiny seemingly irrelevant things that are so often taken for granted.
 Fashion Stylist, Collage Artist, lover of beauty, advocate of kindness.
Voice and vision of female emancipation, voice of those who are fighting for what they believe in.
She, herself, is a palette of colours that has not been fully mixed yet.
Rather than choosing the easy but painful exit path, she stayed. Rather than digging up her southern roots and moving to a place where she would not need to explain what job she was doing, she decided to work twice as hard by staying local, staying close to her family to bring beauty to places of her childhood.

She chose that bumpy route. The one full of potholes and detours.
The one where you have to face more than those ‘she’s only there because she’s being nice to the professor‘, ‘she can’t do anything, she’s just been recommended’ comments.
 But this daring path she’s ventured down is the one that has given her a front row seat onto a breath-taking sunset where she can now say, “it’s been worthwhile”.

 * Gianna Nannini – Italian rock vocalist




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