Contra team

Our dedicated team of experts are here for you.


Daniel Tesoriero

Daniel Tesoriero

Marketing coordinator / Graphic designer / Admin assistant for ConTra America Corp

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

What do you love about your workplace? 
What I love most about the workplace is the sense of community. The team is always open to other’s ideas and opinions as well as collaborating all the time.

What do you do in your current role? 
Currently I am a key account specialist meaning I work with customers on many aspects of the logistics and supply chain process providing them transportation and warehousing services and management domestically. As well as work with suppliers on ensuring the services provided run smoothly and efficiently. Also, I make some of the graphics you may see on social media!

What’s your motto?
My motto would probably be “Just be yourself”

It’s not Contra without…
A good time & ESPRESSO

The faces of Contra group